servicios informaticos para pymes - sosmatic


We take care of your company’s IT security

in terms of both prevention and action in the event of a critical situation.

Cybersecurity Solutions for SMEs and Companies

We provide you with the resources to help you instil a corporate culture that transmits cybersecurity measures to teams in the day-to-day running of the business.

Security audit relating to all kinds of vulnerabilities. Implementation of protective measures.
Protective measures against information theft
Implementation of corrective measures in crisis situations
Forensic IT expertise, evidence gathering and expert report
Fast action against ransomware infections (information hijacking).

Did you know that 50% of cyberattacks
are aimed at SMEs?

Download our Free Cybersecurity Guide for companies.

Discover the fundamentals and good practices for your company’s IT security


Leave your company’s information in our hands.

Contact us and we will reply within 24 hours.

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